7th Edition
The Pharmacy Technician Workbook and Certification Review, 7e, is a valuable tool to prepare for the national PCTE and ExCPT certification exams. It corresponds with The Pharmacy Technician, 7e, textbook. This edition has been updated to align with the Fifth Edition of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) Model Curriculum for Pharmacy Technician Education and Training Programs and the 2020 content outline for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Examination (PTCE).
• More than 1,000 exercises and problems for self-testing, with answers included in the back of the book to self-check.
• Hundreds of carefully explained key concepts and terms.
• In The Workplace sections, which provide sample job-related documents and skills checklists.
• 15 hands-on laboratory activities, which provide practical, active-learning applications.
• Two certification practice exams: one in the ExCPT format and one in the PTCE format.
• Calculations Practice Exam incorporating the 2020 content for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Examination (PTCE).
• Lists of commonly refrigerated drugs and the top 200 most-prescribed drugs by classification.
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