Vulvar Reconstruction Following Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (Fgm/C) and Other Acquired Deformities


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1st ed. 2019 Edition

by Dan mon O´Dey (Author)

This book describes essential operative techniques that can be used to anatomically reconstruct the outer female genital in acquired deformities derived from ritual genital mutilation/cutting, and diseases causing similar deforming defects. Following an introduction with general insights on the topic, the main chapters deal with basic considerations and special anatomical information. With the help of high-quality videos and images, the reader receives detailed instructions on clitoral and vulvar reconstruction with techniques invented by the author, named the NMCS-procedure, the OD-flap and the aOAP-flap procedures. The book is rounded out with chapters describing postoperative care and how to manage complications.

The integrity of their outer genitals is important for patients’ physical and psychological wellbeing. As such, the vulva is now receiving increasing attention and will likely continue to grow in importance in plastic surgery. The author, who has developed outstanding procedures for vulvar and clitoral reconstruction over the years, shares his considerable experience and hopes to highlight the importance of these methods to overcome the burden of female genital mutilation/cutting.


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