1st ed. 2019 Edition
by Alves da Costa, Filipa (Editor), van Mil, J. W. Foppe (Editor), Aldo Alvarez-Risco (Editor)
Through the contributions of global experts, this book meets the growing need to understand the implementation and development of pharmaceutical care. Pharmaceutical Care Implementation details the clinical pharmacist’s role in providing care to different kind of patients using clinical strategies that improve humanistic, economic and clinical outcomes.
Written with a focus for students and pharmacists, this book offers multiple scenarios that serve to improve technical skills. These examples show step-by-step implementation processes from pharmacists who have worked for many years in these fields: drug-related problems, pharmaceutical care in different settings (community, hospital, home care), research outcomes, communication skills, indicators, advertising, remuneration of practice, standards, guidelines, protocols and teaching approaches for universities.
Readers will use this book to:
– Improve their skills to prevent, detect and solve drug-related problems
– Understand the characteristics of care for patients in different settings
– Consolidate knowledge from different global research outcomes
– Develop and improve communication skills to establish relationships with patients and healthcare professionals.
– Learn to use indicators, standards,guidelines,and protocols to guide and evaluate pharmaceutical care performance
– Use different tools to advertise pharmaceutical care services
– Document pharmaceutical care practices and create evidence for remuneration
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