Teaching Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities Second Edition


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Second Edition

by Diane M. Browder (Author), Fred Spooner (Author), Ginevra R. Courtade (Author), and Contributors (Author)

For years the text of choice for developing excellence as a teacher of K–12 students with moderate and severe disabilities, this clearly written work has now been revised and updated. Chapters provide step-by-step procedures for designing standards-based individualized education plans and evaluating and enhancing student progress. Methods and materials for teaching literacy, mathematics, science, and social studies are described in depth. The book also describes effective ways to build functional daily living skills. User-friendly features include extensive vignettes and classroom examples, end-of-chapter application exercises, and reproducible planning and assessment tools.

New to This Edition
*Reflects important advances in research and evidence-based practice.
*Chapter on collaborating with culturally diverse families, plus a stronger multicultural focus throughout.
*Chapter on writing instruction.
*Two additional chapters on reading and math, ensuring coverage of both foundational and grade-aligned skills.
*Increased attention to students with autism spectrum disorder and to uses of technology.


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