(Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology) 1st ed. 2016 Edition
by Mieczyslaw Pokorski (Editor)
Pulmonary diseases are the major cause of human morbidity, taxing the health care system due to disease prevalence, chronicity, and social and fiscal costs. This book concentrates on the inflammatory and immunogenic settings of pulmonary disorders and related medical areas. Excessive inflammation causes lung injury and forms a conducive background for pathogenic infections, particularly in immuno-compromised hosts. Bacterial immuno-evasive strategies develop, leading to self-perpetuating pathologies. Inflammation also is an essential component of non-communicable lung diseases, including asthma and respiratory allergies, and smoking-related or granulomatous diseases. The chapters combine a strong grounding in basic science with extensive clinical knowledge and experience. Advances in diagnostics, as well as preventive and therapeutic aspects also are tackled. The book provides useful information to clinicians, researchers, health care and other medical professionals.
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