Physical Agents in Rehabilitation An Evidence-Based Approach to Practice


Colour Matt Finshed


Format:EPUB, Converted PDF
Size:100 MB
ISBN-10:0323761941, 0323829309, 0323829295
ISBN-13:978-0323761949, 9780323761949, 978-0323829304, 780323829304, 97803238

6th Edition

by Michelle H. Cameron

Learn how to select and apply physical agents to optimize patient outcomes! Physical Agents in Rehabilitation, 6th Edition provides evidence-based guidance for safe and effective use of agents such as heat and cold, lasers and light, ultrasound, electrotherapy, shock waves, hydrotherapy, traction, and compression. It makes clinical decision making easier with clear explanations of the scientific theory and physiology underlying each agent, and also describes current research and rationales for treatment recommendations.


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