Optimizing Health Monitoring Systems With Wireless Technology


Colour Matt Finshed


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by Nilmini Wickramasinghe (Author, Editor)

The digital transformation of healthcare delivery is in full swing. Health monitoring is increasingly becoming more effective, efficient, and timely through mobile devices that are now widely available. This, as well as wireless technology, is essential to assessing, diagnosing, and treating medical ailments. However, systems and applications that boost wellness must be properly designed and regulated in order to protect the patient and provide the best care.

Optimizing Health Monitoring Systems With Wireless Technology is an essential publication that focuses on critical issues related to the design, development, and deployment of wireless technology solutions for healthcare and wellness. Highlighting a broad range of topics including solution evaluation, privacy and security, and policy and regulation, this book is ideally designed for clinicians, hospital directors, hospital managers, consultants, health IT developers, healthcare providers, engineers, software developers, policymakers, researchers, academicians, and students.


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