1st Edition
by Ajit S. Narang (Editor), Sherif I.F. Badawy (Editor)
Handbook of Pharmaceutical Wet Granulation: Theory and Practice in a Quality by Design Paradigm offers a single and comprehensive reference dedicated to all aspects of pharmaceutical wet granulation, taking a holistic approach by combining introductory principles with practical solutions. Chapters are written by international experts across industry, academic and regulatory settings, and cover a wide spectrum of relevant and contemporary wet granulation topics, techniques and processes. The books’ focus on process analytical technology, quality by design principles, granulation equipment, modeling, scale-up, control and real time release makes it a timely and valuable resource for all those involved in pharmaceutical wet granulation.
- Discusses fundamentals of theory and current industrial practice in the field of wet granulation, including product and process design and role of material properties in wet granulation
- Examines the modern evolution of wet granulation through current topics such as established and novel process analytical technologies (PATs), and product development and scale-up paradigms
- Written for scientists working within the pharmaceutical industry, as well as academics, regulatory officials and equipment vendors who provide PAT tools and granulation equipment
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