CREATESPACE Weight Training Books


Colour Matt Finshed


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by Marc McLean (Author)

A top selling book on the best weight training strategies for more muscle, less fat…combined with the secret to maintaining clean eating!

Do you get bored with your training program too soon because the results don’t come quickly enough – or at all?

Are you fed-up with boring, bland diets that get you nowhere?

Are you frustrated at looking in the mirror and seeing the out of shape reflection?

It ain’t your fault, there’s so much confusing advice in the health and fitness industry when it comes to exercise and nutrition that we don’t know who to believe.

Fitness magazines bring out endless different training programs, we hear about a new fad diet every other week, and there are countless garbage supplements on the market promising the world.

This special two books bundle shows you that building lean muscle, burning bodyfat and developing an athletic, awesome physique isn’t as complicated as you would believe.

Strength Training Program 101: Build Muscle & Burn Fat…In Less Than 3 Hours Per Week
delivers the most effective weight training strategies to achieve results quickly in the gym.

Strength Training Nutrition 101: Build Muscle & Burn Fat Easily…A Healthy Way of Eating You Can Actually Maintain
backs this up with solid, proven nutritional advice that’s easy to follow – and will make the most of your efforts once you step outside of the gym.

Author Marc McLean is an online personal training and nutrition coach with almost two decades of experience in strength training. He shares his top exercise and nutritional strategies to help men and women become stronger, healthier, better versions of themselves.

Strength Training Program 101

, Marc pulls together his most effective exercise and training secrets. They’re delivered along with a simplified formula that allows you to easily create your own strength training programs.

Book 2,
Strength Training Nutrition 101

, delivers a simplified strategy on what to eat, when, and what to avoid to get the best results from your strength training program. It’s a sensible, do-able, manageable nutrition guide for men and women who lift weights and want to maximise their gym efforts.


A free exercise demonstration e-book with high quality pictures and instructions, such as common mistakes to avoid, is available to download for every reader. The author is also giving away a free report detailing the all-natural supplements he uses to help boost his performance in the gym, enhance recovery, improve sleep, develop muscle, stay lean and maintain optimal health overall.



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