African Environmental Ethics A Critical Reader


Colour Matt Finshed


Size:3 MB
ISBN-10:3030188094, 303018806X
ISBN-13:978-3030188092, 978-3030188061

(The International Library of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Ethics (29)) 1st ed. 2019 Edition

by Munamato Chemhuru (Editor)

This book focuses on under-explored and often neglected issues in contemporary African environmental philosophy and ethics. Critical issues such as the moral status of nature, African conceptions of animal moral status and rights, African conceptions of environmental justice, African relational Environmentalism, ubuntu, African theocentric and teleological environmentalism are addressed in this book. It is unique in so far as it goes beyond the generalized focus on African metaphysics and African ethics by exploring how these views might be understood differently in order to conceptualize African environmental ethics. Against the background where environmental problems such as pollution, climate change, extinction of flora and fauna, and global warming are plain to see, it becomes useful to examine how African conceptions of environmental ethics could be understood in order to confront some of these problems facing the whole world. This book will be of value to undergraduate students, graduate students and academics working in the area of African Philosophy, African Environmental Ethics and Global Ethics in general.


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