by Leonidas C. Platanias
Advances in Oncology reviews the year’s most important findings and updates within the field in order to provide practicing oncologists with the current clinical information they need to improve patient outcomes. A distinguished editorial board, led by Dr. Leonidas C. Platanias, identifies key areas of major progress and controversy and invites preeminent specialists to contribute original articles devoted to these topics. These insightful overviews in oncology inform and enhance clinical practice by bringing concepts to a clinical level and exploring their everyday impact on patient care.
- Contains 26 articles on such topics as management of locoregional melanoma; surgery for recurrent ovarian cancer; advances in pediatric cancer with big data: the Pediatric Cancer Data Commons; advanced imaging in gliomas; approach to minimal residual disease for acute myeloid leukemia; treatment options for HER2-expressing gastroesophageal cancers; and more.
- Provides in-depth, clinical reviews in oncology, providing actionable insights for clinical practice.
- Presents the latest information in the field under the leadership of an experienced editorial team. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create these timely topic-based reviews.
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