7th Edition
Endorsed by the American Pharmacists Association (APhA), The Pharmacy Technician, 7e, is a valuable tool for pharmacy technician students. This applied, accessible book is a practical text for understanding the principles, career concepts, and pharmacy skills needed to be a successful pharmacy technician. It offers clear, concise information to help students learn the material and pass the national certification exams: the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam (PTCE), and the Exam for Certification of Pharmacy Technicians (ExCPT). This book was designed to be accompanied by The Pharmacy Technician, Workbook & Certification Review, 7e, to help prepare for the certification exams.
This textbook aligns with the Fifth Edition of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) Model Curriculum for Pharmacy Technician Education and Training Programs and the 2020 content outline for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Examination (PTCE).
• The MODULAR DESIGN makes the book concise and easy to use, with each topic beginning on a new page and ensuring the artwork is on the same two-page spread as the topic.
• Extensive use of FULL-COLOR ILLUSTRATIONS provides information, reinforces text discussions, and shows step-by-step procedures.
• A RUNNING GLOSSARY provides the definition for key terms, set aside from the main text, allowing for easy reference and study.
• Chapter opening and closing THINK IT THROUGH and WRAP-UP features provide students with case scenarios to introduce topics and to promote critical thinking at the conclusion of the chapter.
• End-of-Chapter REVIEW provides a Checklist of Key Concepts and a Self Test that includes matching, multiple choice, critical thinking, research, calculations, and practice questions for the certification.
• Rx SAFETY NOTES and Rx TIPS highlight safety information, indicate points of emphasis, and offer useful tips.
• Integrated example math problems with step-by-step solutions throughout the text help students learn and apply math in context.
• Researching Information activities in each chapter have students use resources and references discussed in the Information chapter.
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