Elsevier Clinical Handbook of Nephrology


Colour Matt Finshed


Format:Original PDF
Size:25 MB
ISBN-10:0323847870, 0323847897
ISBN-13:9780323847872, 9780323847896, 978-0323847872, 978-0323847896

by Robert S. Brown

Concise and easy to navigate, Clinical Handbook of Nephrology contains vital, everyday information on renal physiology and a wide range of topics, including diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic kidney diseases, hypertension, electrolyte and acid-base disorders, dialysis, and kidney transplantation. This fully up-to-date reference (formerly Nephrology Pocket, a textbook originally published by Börm Bruckmeier) is ideal for physicians, nurses, dialysis center staff, medical students, and trainees, offering a practical roadmap for managing the renal disorders most likely to be encountered in clinical practice.

  • Contains dozens of diagnostic and treatment algorithms, tables, and charts that allow you to find answers quickly and easily at the point of care.
  • Allows you to easily find protocols, drug information and treatment guidelines, including the latest KDIGO (Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes) for the evaluation and management of chronic kidney disease, glomerulonephritis, and blood pressure management.
  • Provides sections on symptoms, signs, and differential diagnoses that allow you to quickly identify common differentials.
  • Features dedicated chapters on kidney stones, dialysis, and kidney transplantation.
  • Includes common labs useful for ruling out other medical causes of renal disorders.


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