**”The Last Kids on Earth”** is a popular series of children’s books written by Max Brallier. The series combines action, humor, and adventure, and is set in a post-apocalyptic world. The main plot follows a group of kids who survive a monster apocalypse, battling zombies and other creatures while also navigating the challenges of being some of the last remaining humans on Earth.
Here’s a bit more about it:
### **Books**
The series consists of multiple books, with the first book, *The Last Kids on Earth*, released in 2015. Since then, it has expanded into a multi-book series, with titles such as:
1. *The Last Kids on Earth* (2015)
2. *The Last Kids on Earth and the Zombie Parade* (2016)
3. *The Last Kids on Earth and the Nightmare King* (2017)
4. *The Last Kids on Earth and the Cosmic Beyond* (2018)
5. *The Last Kids on Earth and the Midnight Blade* (2019)
6. *The Last Kids on Earth and the Doomsday Race* (2020)
7. *The Last Kids on Earth and the Skeleton Road* (2021)
### **Plot**
The protagonist of the series is **Jack Sullivan**, a 13-year-old boy who is one of the few survivors of a monster apocalypse. Along with his friends—**Quint**, the brainy inventor, **Dirk**, the tough guy, and **June**, the skilled fighter—they live in a treehouse and fend off monsters, especially zombies, while trying to have as much fun as possible in a world that’s falling apart.
The series is filled with humor, action, and exciting escapades. Each book builds on the previous one, with new monsters, new technology, and deeper character development as the kids face larger challenges.
### **TV Series**
The books were adapted into an animated TV series by Netflix, which premiered in 2019. The animated series closely follows the adventures of the kids as they fight off monsters and uncover the mysteries of the world they now inhabit. The series has been well-received for its entertaining mix of humor, heart, and action, with voice acting by talented actors such as Mark Hamill and Keith Ferguson.
### **Themes**
The series touches on themes such as:
– Friendship and teamwork
– Resilience in the face of adversity
– The importance of creativity and problem-solving
– Finding joy in tough situations
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