Orthodontics in the Vertical Dimension


Colour Matt Finshed


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1st Edition

by Thomas E. Southard (Author), Steven D. Marshall (Author), Laura L. Bonner (Author)

This case-based clinical text is an exhaustive review of orthodontic problems in the vertical dimension, with evidence-based guidelines for successful diagnosis and treatment. A total of 21 cases address dental deep bites, skeletal deep bites, dental open bites, skeletal open bites, and posterior open bites. Each case includes pretreatment, interim, and posttreatment orthodontic records, as well as references to provide a solid evidence base for decision making. Written with a clinical focus, Orthodontics in the Vertical Dimension is ideal for the practicing orthodontist and makes an excellent resource for residents in pursuit of board certification.

Key Features

• Detailed case-based scenarios for treatment of the spectrum of open bites and deep bites

• Cases presented in question and answer format to encourage thought

• 2500 clinical photographs and illustrations.

“This is a great textbook, and I will use it in my classes. Highly organized and elaborately illustrated, the authors’ work is inspired by problem-based learning and stimulates cognitive processes by encouraging critical thinking. Their text deserves a ‘must read’ category for orthodontic professionals of all ages.”


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