Controversies in Latin American Bioethics


Colour Matt Finshed


Size:3 MB
ISBN-10:3030179656, 3030179621
ISBN-13:978-3030179656, 978-3030179625

(International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine (79)) 1st ed. 2019 Edition

by Eduardo Rivera-López (Editor), Martin Hevia (Editor)

This book offers a first rate selection of academic articles on Latin American bioethics. It covers different issues, such as vulnerability, abortion, biomedical research with human subjects, environment, exploitation, commodification, reproductive medicine, among others. Latin American bioethics has been, to an important extent, parochial and unable to meet stringent international standards of rational philosophical discussion. The new generations of bioethicists are changing this situation, and this book demonstrates that change. All articles are written from the perspective of Latin American scholars from several disciplines such as philosophy and law. Working with the tools of analytical philosophy and jurisprudence, this book defends views with rational argument, and opening for pluralistic discussion.


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